Best Ceramic Coating in The Inland Empire2024-02-06T20:56:32+00:00



Our Convenient Location for Ceramic Coatings and Paint Correction Services

At American Auto Detailing, we pride ourselves on using only the finest, top-of-the-line ceramic coatings, ensuring the highest level of protection and shine for your vehicle. Our commitment to quality extends beyond just our products; we also provide expert paint correction services, meticulously restoring your car’s paint to its original splendor.

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8766 Limonite Ct, #2
Jurupa Valley, CA 92509
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We are located behind O’Reilly Auto Parts and All Car Auto Repair. Our shop is a hidden gem for all your auto detailing needs. Please call to schedule a Ceramic Coating or Color Correction appointment.

Easy Access: Conveniently located in the alley behind O’Reilly Auto Parts, our shop is a hidden gem for all your auto detailing needs. Our prime location makes it easy for you to find us and ensures a hassle-free experience.



What is Ceramic coating?

Ceramic coating is an advanced liquid polymer that permanently bonds with your car’s paint, offering a durable layer of protection against chemicals, UV rays, and heat. Superior to traditional waxes, it doesn’t wash away or degrade, ensuring a lasting shine and defense. This coating preserves your vehicle’s appearance and value, providing a resilient, glossy shield that keeps your car looking new without the need for frequent reapplications.

Benefits of the Best Ceramic Coating in the Inland Empire

  • Enhanced Scratch Protection (9H Hardness) Exceptional
  • Water-Repellent Properties
  • Resistance to Weathering and UV Damage
  • Withstands High Temperatures
  • Graffiti Deterrence Superior
  • Resistance to Chemicals
  • Prevents Oxidation and Corrosion
  • Lustrous, High-Shine Coating
On-site car detailing in progress with American Auto Detailing van and luxury cars.

The Application Process of Premier Ceramic Coatings

Our meticulous application process ensures a flawless finish, setting the standard for ceramic coatings in the Inland Empire.

Types of Ceramic Coatings Offered in the Inland Empire

American Auto Detailing’s Top Ceramic Coating offers unparalleled scratch resistance with a 9H hardness rating and a super hydrophobic effect that repels water effortlessly. Designed to withstand harsh weather and UV rays, it can also resist high temperatures up to 1200°C. Its anti-graffiti properties, advanced chemical resistance, and ability to prevent oxidation and corrosion make it an elite choice for maintaining a vehicle’s high gloss finish.


View Below, Top FAQs Regarding Ceramic Coatings and How to Care for Your Ceramic Coating.

What makes your ceramic coating the best in the Inland Empire?2024-01-18T23:09:01+00:00

Quality Products

At American Auto Detailing, we offer the finest ceramic coating in the Inland Empire, setting us apart with a blend of premium-quality materials, unparalleled expert application, and dedicated customer service.

Meticulous Approach

Our meticulous approach ensures each vehicle receives a coating of the highest standard, utilizing advanced polymers for maximum durability and shine.

Team of Skilled Professionals

Our team of skilled professionals is trained in the latest techniques, guaranteeing a flawless finish that not only enhances your vehicle’s appearance but also provides long-lasting protection against environmental factors.

Unwavering Commitment to Customer Satisfaction

Coupled with our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, we ensure that every experience with us is exceptional, making our ceramic coating services the top choice in the Inland Empire.

What is the Lifespan of Ceramic Coating?2024-01-19T22:05:28+00:00

What is the Lifespan of Ceramic Coating?


The durability of a ceramic coating can vary significantly based on several factors, including the quality of the product and the conditions to which the vehicle is exposed. On average, a professionally applied, high-quality ceramic coating can last anywhere between 2 to 5 years. This longevity is influenced by factors such as the vehicle’s exposure to extreme weather, the frequency of washing and maintenance, and whether the car is usually parked indoors or outdoors. The chemical composition of the coating itself also plays a crucial role, with some premium coatings offering enhanced durability over standard options.

How Does Ceramic Coating Compare to Wax?2024-01-19T02:35:11+00:00

How Does Ceramic Coating Compare to Wax?


When comparing ceramic coatings to traditional car waxes, the most significant differences lie in durability, protection, and longevity. Ceramic coatings provide a much more durable protective layer than wax. They are designed to bond chemically with the vehicle’s paint, creating a hard, protective layer that can withstand environmental contaminants and UV rays more effectively than wax. Wax, while offering a good level of shine and protection, tends to break down quicker, requiring more frequent applications. In contrast, ceramic coatings maintain their protective qualities and aesthetic appeal for years, not just weeks or months.

How Does Ceramic Coating Benefit My Vehicle in the Long Term?2024-01-19T02:21:50+00:00


When considering the long-term care of your vehicle, ceramic coating emerges as a game-changing solution. Known for its durability and protective qualities, ceramic coating offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond what traditional waxing or sealants can provide. Here’s how ceramic coating can be beneficial for your vehicle in the long run:

  1. Enhanced Paint Protection: The primary advantage of ceramic coating is its ability to protect the paint surface from various environmental factors. It acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, which can cause fading and oxidation over time. By blocking these rays, ceramic coating helps maintain the vibrancy and integrity of your car’s paint.

  2. Hydrophobic Properties: Ceramic coatings are known for their water-repellent nature. This means rainwater and liquid contaminants will bead up and roll off the surface more easily, reducing the likelihood of water spots and stains. This property also makes cleaning your car much easier, as dirt and grime will not adhere strongly to the surface.

  3. Scratch Resistance: While not entirely scratch-proof, ceramic coatings provide a harder surface over your car’s paint. This added layer of protection can reduce the occurrence of swirl marks and minor scratches caused by everyday driving and washing.

  4. Chemical Resistance: Road salts, bird droppings, tree sap, and other corrosive substances can damage your car’s paint. Ceramic coating provides a resistant surface that minimizes the harm these materials can cause.

  5. Longevity: Unlike wax that needs frequent reapplication, high-quality ceramic coatings can last several years, depending on the product and application. This longevity means less maintenance and cost over time, making it a wise investment for long-term car care.

  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Besides the protective benefits, ceramic coating enhances your vehicle’s appearance. It adds a deep, glossy sheen to the car, making it look consistently polished and well-maintained.

  7. Value Preservation: By protecting the exterior and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your vehicle, ceramic coating can help preserve or even increase its resale value. A well-kept car with a pristine exterior is always more appealing to potential buyers.

  8. Environmental Protection: For those living in areas with extreme weather conditions, ceramic coating provides an added layer of protection against harsh sun, snow, and rain, ensuring that the vehicle’s exterior remains unaffected by these elements.

In conclusion, the application of ceramic coating on your vehicle is an investment in its longevity, appearance, and overall value. By choosing a professional service like ours at American Auto Detailing, you ensure that your car receives the best treatment with long-lasting results, maintaining its pristine condition for years to come.

Can your ceramic coatings protect older vehicles?2024-01-19T02:13:50+00:00

Absolutely, our ceramic coatings are exceptionally well-suited for both new and older vehicles. Here’s how they benefit older vehicles:

  • Restoration of Shine: Older vehicles often lose their original luster over time. Our ceramic coatings can significantly rejuvenate the appearance of your car, restoring its shine and making it look almost as good as new.
  • Enhanced Protection: As vehicles age, their paint can become more vulnerable to damage from the elements. Our coatings add a protective layer that guards against environmental factors like UV rays, rain, and pollutants, extending the life of the paintwork.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Older vehicles typically require more upkeep. A ceramic coating simplifies this maintenance, as its hydrophobic properties make cleaning easier and less frequent, keeping the vehicle looking pristine with minimal effort.
  • Prevention of Further Wear: The coating acts as a barrier against minor scratches, oxidation, and corrosion—common issues in older vehicles. This not only preserves the car’s aesthetic appeal but also helps maintain its structural integrity.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that older vehicles may have specific needs based on their condition and paint type. Our experts assess each vehicle individually to recommend the most suitable coating option.

By choosing our ceramic coatings for your older vehicle, you are not just enhancing its appearance; you are investing in its longevity and preserving its value. Our goal is to provide top-notch protection and a renewed look, irrespective of your vehicle’s age.

Can I wash my ceramic-coated vehicle as usual?2024-01-19T02:28:06+00:00

Can I Wash My Ceramic-Coated Vehicle as Usual?


Washing your ceramic-coated vehicle does require some special considerations to maintain the integrity and benefits of the coating. While ceramic coatings are known for their durability and ease of maintenance, proper care during cleaning ensures that these qualities are preserved over the long term.

Key Points for Washing a Ceramic-Coated Vehicle:

  1. Use Gentle Cleaning Products: It’s crucial to use pH-neutral, ceramic coating-friendly car shampoos. These products are specifically designed not to degrade the coating’s hydrophobic properties. Avoid using harsh detergents or cleaners that can strip away the coating or reduce its effectiveness.
  2. Avoid Automatic Car Washes: Automatic car washes, especially those with brushes, can be abrasive to the ceramic coating. The bristles and harsh chemicals used in many of these car washes can cause micro-scratches and wear down the coating over time. It’s best to opt for hand washing or touchless car washes.
  3. Soft Washing Tools: When hand washing, use a soft, microfiber wash mitt. Microfiber is gentle on the ceramic surface and helps prevent swirl marks and scratches that could occur with rougher materials.
  4. Rinse Thoroughly Before Washing: Before applying any soap, thoroughly rinse your vehicle to remove loose dirt and debris. This step reduces the chances of scratching the surface during the washing process.
  5. Two-Bucket Method: For the best results, use the two-bucket method—one bucket for your soapy water and the other for rinsing your mitt. This method helps avoid transferring dirt back onto the car’s surface.
  6. Dry Carefully: After washing, dry your vehicle with clean microfiber towels. This prevents water spots, which can be more noticeable on a ceramic-coated surface. The hydrophobic nature of the coating aids in faster drying as well.
  7. Regular Maintenance: Regular washing is essential to prevent dirt build-up. While ceramic coatings are hydrophobic, they aren’t self-cleaning. Periodic washing will maintain the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the coating.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid Washing in Direct Sunlight: This can cause soap and water to dry quickly, leading to spots.
  • Spot Cleaning: For minor dirt or stains, spot cleaning with a quick detailer spray specifically designed for ceramic coatings can be effective.

In summary, while you can wash your ceramic-coated vehicle as usual, it’s advisable to follow these guidelines to protect the coating and extend its life. These steps ensure that your vehicle not only stays clean but also retains the protective benefits and glossy look provided by the ceramic coating.

Seeking Ceramic Coating or Paint Correction Services for Your Car in the Inland Empire?

Experience the Ultimate Protection and Shine: Our expert team in the Inland Empire specializes in top-tier ceramic coating and paint correction services, ensuring your car not only looks its best but is also protected against the elements. We tailor our services to meet the unique needs of your vehicle, guaranteeing exceptional results every time.”

“Ready to Transform Your Car’s Appearance? Connect with us through a simple call or by requesting a quote. Let us bring out the true beauty and resilience of your vehicle with our professional ceramic coating and paint correction services.

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Ready to give your vehicle the best ceramic coating in the Inland Empire?

Dial 951-258-5161 now for a direct line to our experts.
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